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Writer's pictureStacie Nickless

Reiki Healing Crystals -AMETHYST

At Equilibrium, we love to use Crystals in both our Reiki Healing and Distance Reiki Healing Sessions. Utilising Crystals amplifies the energy pathways as well as the energy field surrounding the body, thereby increasing the effectiveness of which ever Reiki Healing technique we are using at the time.

Each Crystal has individual traits and healing powers, so we are very specific about which Crystals we use in conjunction with each other during a Crystal Healing Session so as to ensure the most effective healing environment possible.

In todays post we will be discussing ……


Calming & Intuition Amethyst is the stone of spirituality and contentment, it bestows stability, strength, inner peace. It is a great stone for meditation and enhancing your intuition and psychic abilities with its calming and peaceful energy. Amethyst provides clarity and enhances conscious perception and understanding. Healing

Assists in calming the mind, reduces insomnia and allows restful sleep, reduces stress, eases headaches, helps with hormone production, strengthens the immune system, cleansing organs and respiratory system, reduces bruising and swelling. Assists in the function of the pineal and pituitary glands.


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